Agriculture is the back Bone of Indian Economy & Agriculture Business Management is the blood of our national economy. Our college is imparting teaching and effective practical training to the students in Agro based industries, Business Management, food fruit, processing, industries, marketing administration and all the relevant industries in public, private and cooperative sectors. Similarly, they have very good opportunities at par in all field/ sectors including Agriculture, Horticulture, Co-operatives industries and public utility services and banking sector.
The scope for career development in Agri Business sector is enormous and in recent years is substantially expanded due to globalization of trade and policy reforms in agriculture production, processing and Management at national level leading to an unprecedental level of corporate interest in this sector. Due to fast growing Indian rural marketing demands for qualified Agri Business personnel’s, creation of graduate P.G. program in agriculture Business Management i.e. B.Sc.(Hons) (AGRICULTURE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT) is the need of hour. Accordingly, post graduate studies have been started at pune (MPKB, Rahuri), Nagpur (PDKV, Akola) and Latur (VNMKV, Parbhani) for the benefit of students desirous to join the higher studies from the academic year 2013-14